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From the “Children of all Lands Stories”to the “Enfants du monde” collection.Providing a view of the Other in children’s literature

“Although it does not appear under this name on the shelves of bookshops
or libraries, the literary genre of the phototextual country portrait has an
effective reality in children’s literature, with a wide variety of publications.
These works are regularly published in periods when children’s books are
seen as the engine of a new pacifist humanism. They flourished in different
parts of the world after the two world wars, all carrying the same message of
hope, transmitting the conviction that the world, in its diversity and
complexity, is one: our world. This article juxtaposes the works of the 1920s
series “Children of all Lands Stories”, by the American photographer and
filmmaker Madeline Brandeis, with those of the “Enfants du monde”
collection, carried by photographs by French photographer Dominique
Darbois, to discuss how photographs and texts are combined to offer the
young reader new views of the Other and thus promote peace between
peoples through children’s literature.”

La suite du chapitre que je signe est à lire dans cet ouvrage issu des communications du colloque 2021 de Stockholm.



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Leguen Laurence (27 septembre 2023). From the “Children of all Lands Stories”to the “Enfants du monde” collection.Providing a view of the Other in children’s literature. MINIPHLIT. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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Leguen Laurence

Docteure en littérature française,je suis l'auteure d'une thèse soutenue le 14 mai 2019, intitulée "Littératures de jeunesse et photographie, mise à jour et étude analytique d'un corpus éditorial européen et américain, de 1860 à aujourd'hui". Je fais partie du laboratoire CELLAM, de l'université de Rennes 2. Je suis également auteure de romans pour la jeunesse et commissaire d'expositions consacrées ux photographes Ergy Landau et Lily Franey. J'ai signé la postface de la réédition du livre d'Ylla : Deux petits ours, MeMo éditions.

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